
Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023. But you have opportunities to cast your ballot before then. Below is information regarding voter registration and options for voting this fall:
Make sure you are registered to vote
The deadline to register for this election was October 10, 2023. HOWEVER, it isn’t too late for the March 23, 2024 Election! Confirm, update, or complete a new registration form online through the Ohio Secretary of State for the Spring Elections. In Person/By Mail Registration Deadline is February 21, 2024.
Vote early in person
- You can vote early beginning October 11, 2023 at the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections. Click the link below to view the early voting schedule and address.
- Bring at least one of the following forms of identification: a valid Ohio driver license, an Ohio state ID card, an interim ID issued by the BMV, a passport or passport card, a military ID, Ohio National Guard ID, or Veterans Affairs ID
Vote early by mail
- To vote by mail, you must request an absentee ballot by requesting a vote by mail application. Ballot applications will be processed starting Sept. 11. You can submit your request for an application by clicking the link below.
- Ballots will be mailed to voters who requested them starting Oct. 11. The deadline for ballot applications to be submitted is Oct. 23
Vote in Person on Election Day
- Polls will be open on November 7 from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- You must vote at your designated polling location, which can be found at the link below
- Bring at least one of the following forms of identification: a valid Ohio driver license, an Ohio state ID card, an interim ID issued by the BMV, a passport or passport card, a military ID, Ohio National Guard ID, or Veterans Affairs ID

Find Out Which Way You Lean!
Answer the following questions to see how your political beliefs match your political parties and candidates.