Google Think Retail On Air 2020: Top 5 Takeaways
It’s no secret: the world of retail is changing – rapidly. One…
IBM Watson at Your Service. One Step Closer to Passing the Turing Test.
IBM has recently unveiled the IBM Watson Engagement Advisor, "a technology…
Google Analytics In Real Life
Monitoring and tracking online metrics in order to optimize the customer…
Behind-the-Scenes of TED2011
On Monday, February 28th, we were lucky enough to be among 160 other TEDx…
And this is your brain on technology...any questions?
"The Web Shatters Focus and Rewires Brain"? That sounds like the subtitle to…
A Digital Rolling Stone 3.0 - Composition in the Digital Age
Inspired Creation In this installment of A Digital Rolling Stone, we analyze…
The Great Race to Brand the Clouds
The benefits of technology and more specifically the internet, seem to be…
Open Source: The Model Is About Branding
The traditional business model for companies is to create a product and/or…
Engaging and Innovative Interactive Navigation
The progression of interactive design has changed dramatically over the years.…